Join Us
Saturday, August 31, 2024
10 am Walk: Meet around 9:45am at the Bandshell at Pershing Park at
100 Castillo St. near tennis courts & baseball field.
7 pm - Speakers at Courthouse Archway
8 pm - SB Courthouse Sunken Garden

BeWell Crisis Hotline (888) 868-1649
Suicide Hotline (800) 273-8255

Collaboration strengthens our messages on issues before the Board of Supervisors and the Mental Wellness Commission.
Notifying all of our partners about upcoming events helps us all stay up to date, start a letter writing campaign, or showing up so our numbers are noticed by department heads, the County Supervisors, or when attending an event for the public benefit.
Interested in knowing about our upcoming events, collaborations and volunteer opportunities? Join our mailing list or contact us here.

The work we do is not always fun, but is important, and community partners help us to understand that others care about the mental wellness of our communities - just like FamiliesACT!