Join Us
Saturday, August 31, 2024
10 am Walk: Meet around 9:45am at the Bandshell at Pershing Park at
100 Castillo St. near tennis courts & baseball field.
7 pm - Speakers at Courthouse Archway
8 pm - SB Courthouse Sunken Garden

BeWell Crisis Hotline (888) 868-1649
Suicide Hotline (800) 273-8255

FamiliesACT! is a grassroots organization. We work to create fundamental change in Santa Barbara county policies and practices that contribute to the neglect, abuse, and criminalization of persons with mental health and substance use disorders.
Your donation allows us to continue the important work we do.
Online donations can be made using the Donate button below

donations by check can be made payable to:
Families ACT!, P.O. Box 2152, Santa Barbara, CA 93120
A confirmation letter with receipt will be sent to you.
FamiliesACT! is a 501c(3) tax deductible non-profit organization.
Thank you for your support.